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Sunday, January 27, 2008

I KNOW You're Out There...

I keep telling myself, "there ARE teacher bloggers out there" and I believe me! But the truth is, I spend more time honing and posting to my personal family blog than I do this one. If you want to find teachers, then you probably need to post more often, right?

So here I am.

It's time to begin again. I'm hoping to add more regularly as I share reflections from the education front. What's going on in my "school world"?

We are preparing for our state test, the FCAT. This means we will begin our seven week Saturday School for third through fifth graders. they have the "opportunity" to come for an additional three hours on Saturdays to hone their Math, Reading, Writing and Science skills and strategies.

Actually we really try and make it a "camp-like" atmosphere and take the boring work out of it. Most kids really do enjoy their time there.

Does it help? Since our scores go up each year and our kids are coming to us more deficits each year, I'd say it's an important piece of the puzzle. The key is that this is but ONE piece as there are so MANY ways we support kids and their learning.

So we're off to another test prep season. What's happening in your neck of the woods?


  1. I look forward to reading your posts. I love the picture of your classroom library. It looks like a very inviting place.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I love your picture and the comment below it! Do you mind if I link your blog to mine?

    Can't wait to continue to read your thoughts!

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Hi Susan,
    I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. I am a literacy coach also.
    Ruth (from Two Writing Teachers)

  4. Hey, your cooking now! Just keep getting out there with your comments and people will start flocking to your blog... LIKE ME ;)
    I am glad I found you.
    Megan Germano
    Read, Read, Read!

  5. :( My own pet peeve! I wrote "your" instead of "you're." OOOPPPSSS!

  6. What do you do to make it "camp Like" and fun? Saturday Academy at my school has just a week left. I'm not sure how effective ours is. I mean we teach from test prep materials or practice tests but I know that we're not trying to figure out what the kids' weaknesses are so that we can target them. (And with the comparatively smaller groups that would be ideal).
