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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wordless Wednesday---Sort Of...

My colleagues and I wrote a song to High School Musical's "What Time Is It?" to help motivate our kids for their upcoming FCAT test. It mushroomed into quite a production complete with video. I'm hoping to get it up on Teacher Tube or You Tube to share. I was able to recruit my son and his friend to help us out. I love it when people work together to make school a little more exciting for kids. It makes me sure that there is plenty RIGHT with public education!


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Capri pants and short sleeves AND sandals in March...must be nice to live in Florida! It is snowing at my house and has been since 6 a.m. I can't wait to see the video!

  2. How neat that so many people joined in to create something for your students. It truly shows how much you care!

  3. Hi. I teach 4th grade here in Madison, Indiana. I spent a good amount of time browsing your site. Thanks for your words. My site has many issues like yours. I hope to come back soon and read more. Have a good day.
