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Monday, September 20, 2010

Walk On!

If you have not read Marla Frazee's book Walk On! I highly recommend it!  At first, I picked it up to use in staff development courses.  It's a perfect analogy for any new learning that one must undergo in life.  There are nuggets of wisdom such as finding support, go when you're ready, it's ok to cry, and "if your diaper is weighing you down, change it"!  Frazee dedicates this book to her son who is leaving for is written in a similar vein as "Oh the Places You'll Go" by Seuss.

Today, this book took on another role for me.  I used it with third graders.  We read it and talked about what it means.  Kids wrote responses to it.  On their own, several came up with the parallel to any type of learning.  As we talked further and thought about ourselves as readers, the connections started coming.

Next Step?  I think we're going to write an innovation called "Read On!"  I can't wait to read what they create!

And then, I plan to connect it to the old song, "You'll Never Walk Alone"  from the musical Carousel by Rodgers and Hammerstein.  I can't wait to find out where this journey takes us!.

Stay tuned...

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