Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week Re-cap

Our first week back in K was amazing!  I have some of the sweetest kids on the planet.  They are eager to learn and happy to be in school.  Each day they get a bit more comfortable with each other and with our classroom.  Oh sure, I have those who still aren't quite sure what a cubbie is and those who really don't care to be a part of a circle time.  But they are learning and starting to participate, which I LOVE! 

Academically speaking:  we learned letters Aa through Hh, started a book of our friends' names, we painted twice, played with shapes and objects to sort and classify in math, and read a lot of GREAT books! 

Socially speaking:  I know that one child knows all about raccoon poop, another collected special crystals from his seawall, and still another loves going to eat out at fine restaurants with the family!  And we celebrated two birthdays already complete with cake and singing. 

On the "keeping it real" front: I've already tied at least 2,000 shoe laces, put wet towels on several bumped knees, hugged away a few sets of tears, peeled a couple off their parent in the morning, cleaned up pee, blood and barf, and opened several gogurts, fruit roll-ups and other lunchbox treats. 

And all I can think is "Early Childhood friends, you wear me out...but I've missed your general zest for life and learning!"  Because of this, I know that for me this return to my teaching roots (in primary) is going to be a powerful learning experience.  I'm excited to see where the road leads this school year and I couldn't be happier to share it with these sweet youngsters! 

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