Sunday, July 17, 2011

In with the new...

As I said in my last post, I am switching schools.  This is something I haven't done in 12 years.  In fact, this is the longest I've worked anywhere.  So it's a little strange.  BUT EXCITING!  In the past two Sundays, I have run into two of my new teammates.  I have to say this has been interesting (and has gone a long way towards settling my nerves).  The person I met (or reaquainted with) today had actually sent a team email this morning, so it was quite timely!  It made me consider just what I've done to reach out to new teachers who have stepped into our school in the last 12 years.

If you have new people joining your staff--either seasoned or brand new--why not find ways to reach out and extend a connection to them?  It may be that they are sitting home a little nervous about stepping foot into that new classroom this fall.  Simply knowing that someone else cares that they are coming can make such a big difference.  It can be a simple email or handwritten note (if you have access to their address).  Or you may even make a phone call to invite them to lunch before the hectic activity of preplanning week begins.

What do you do to ease the transition for a new teacher to your school?

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